Join TikTok dance challenges easily

Our scoring and feedback system assist your confidence

Share Your Dance Videos

How it works

Interactive Dance Training
Dance Learning Simplified
Mimiqit dance application

Upload a dance video

Learn the dance moves of a famous influencer/character/dancer by uploading a video of them dancing to the app.


Energetic Breakdance Training

Dance and Get Your Score

Mimiqit will analyse precision of your moves and will give you a score!


Ballet Practice

Share Results & Challenge Friends

The better you dance, the better score you'll get. Send your friends a challenge to see if they can beat your score! 


Our team

Mimiqit dance application

Zachary Burda

Founder, Software Engineer

Mimiqit dance application

Milan Gokkanen

Chief Financial Officer

Mimiqit dance application

Maad Zalani

Marketing Specialist

Mimiqit Dance learning application

Ivan Semeniuk

Software Engineer

Mimiqit dance application

Mantas Misiunas

Software Engineer


a woman dancing a pop street dance